Tuesday, February 9, 2010

day forty

today (february 9 2010) is the fortieth day of the year and the fortieth day of my project. i am starting to get fed up only being able to take a picture inside my dorm room. my lighting even here isn't great & i feel as if i'm running out of things to photograph. if you hadn't guessed today is another rainy, yucky winter day. i am so sick of this weather but i can't do anything to change it i suppose. my stress level is pretty high today so that doesn't help the photography either.

i wanted to take a really great picture today. i keep finding these amazing flickr photographs online & i want to be able to take something as great as they are. so far no luck. =/. anyways i experimented today with different props. the lighting was giving me a really hard time so that wasn't helping anything. my end result isn't what i originally had in mind but that's ok. the shapes & colors turned out interesting i think. so let's hope for better luck tomorrow.

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