Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 47.

February 16, 2010. Today is beautiful albeit cold. It has been a very busy & stressful day for me but photography served as a moments reprieve from the stress of college. We have an old chapel on campus, and it is beautiful inside and out. I love going inside because the stained glass windows are just spectacular. I would love to be able to go inside with my tripod at multiple times during the day to see where the light needs to be to make the windows their most beautiful. So I went on a little adventure after choir today. :) Willingham (as it's called) holds school functions as well as basic classrooms. I half expected the doors to be locked, but remembering the fact previously mentioned, I was glad to be able to get inside. I wandered around the lobby for a bit, then went upstairs into the main hall. A door was cracked open, so I went in and was able to get a few pictures. I choose this as my photo-for-the-day because the chairs and floor show reflections of the window that I think make the picture interesting. Though I do like this picture, I would like the opportunity go to inside for a longer amount of time for experimentation. :)

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