Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 39.

Ah, Mondays. Today, February 8th, 2010, is not different than most Mondays. It's always hard to wake up before 8:00 & go to class to speak another language. I do like Mondays though, mainly because I'm done at 1:00 but also because I get to see a lot of my friends. :)
I wanted to be creative today for my photo-of-the day. I took a photography class online last year & one of the assignments was to set up a picture to tell a story. I can't remember what photograph I ended up taking but I do remember my teacher's photo example. It was either an old journal or letters, that looked worn, set up with gardening gloves, and maybe a pen, on a table of some sort. Ok so maybe I can't remember the details perfectly but I always liked how it turned out. So today I wanted to sort of recreate my own version of this project. I have saved all (or most) of my ticket stubs from either campus activities or trips to the movies. I pilled them up on my desk, tried to arrange them, found some items that fit the movie theme from my room, & wa-la! Here is my final product. Hopefully it all fits together & maybe even tells a story, who knows what it'll mean to you. :)

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