Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 36.

So today is Friday February 5, 2010. I am so glad that it's Friday & that I'm done with classes. This week seemed very long so I'm very much ready for the weekend. Once again, I know - I'm sorry I keep complaining, it is raining today. I am so tired of this weather! It was cold, breezy (at some points windy), & raining a cold rain. Yuck!! Oh well. I'm nice & warm in my dorm now so I'm at least not currently suffering haha. Today's picture was taken inside as many of the recent ones have. I have a perfume bottle that is clear & it was sitting up against something that looked pretty cool this morning so once I got back to my dorm after classes I played around with set up & lighting and ended up with this picture! I think it looks pretty cool so I'm happy with it as my photo-of-the-day. Now it's relaxation time & weekend time. Though I do have a good bit of homework to do, I am going to enjoy my days off of class & maybe even get to go to the movies. :)

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