Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day Thirty-Five

February 4, 2010.

Today was a cold, breezy, & sometimes rainy day. I feel like we've had so many days like this, I'm very ready for the heat & sun of the summer. So progressively my days are getting less stressed as the weekend approaches. I was so cold outside I didn't want to take the time to wander around finding a picture. So I decided when I was studying in a friend's room I would take my camera with me. I decided to look in her room to find something unique to photograph, since I have looked in my own room so many times. I ended up finding my friends reflective sorority pin box & her roommate's earring holder. Putting the two together ended up with a pretty cool result. So wah-lah: Here is another try at a unique shot since I can't go outside & find something pretty. :)

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