Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 87

So today started off, ok by starting I mean when I first left my dorm at a little after 1, warm but cloudy & breezy so needless to say I wasn't too excited about the weather prospects. It eventually started raining, thankfully after I was safe & warm in my dorm. I didn't want to try to find a picture outside with the weather as it was so I looked around my room for inspiration. I didn't really want to fiddle around getting a macro shot, just wasn't in that exact mood, so I looked at the windows. The sun was just starting to set so I still had light but with the blinds open, I could see the rain settling on the screen of the window. Pretty cool effect I thought so I snapped a few shots & here is what I came up with! I actually do like it a lot now that I've chosen it, the colors are sort of gloomy but I don't take many of those so it's something different, the shapes with the clear foreground objects play neat against the blurry background. & having the lines not perfectly straight set a neat mood to the picture. So overall, yup I'm happy with the result. Now I am off to get ready for bed, seeing as I must start class at 8:00 tomorrow & I hear the rain starting to begin again. :)

Day 86

Yesterday was a beautiful looking day but wasn't warm was quite breezy so a lot of time outside wasn't enjoyable. One of my close friends is a member of a sorority & her formal was Friday evening. She wanted me to take portrait pictures of her boyfriend/date so I gladly obliged. We went out to a little park where the rest of her pledge class was going to meet to take pictures so we got there early before it got crowded. It was the cutest little park ever, with lots of pretty waterfalls & trees & stone & flowers...ah. A photographers haven. So I walked around with them taking candids & posed shots & they all came out really great looking. I chose this one as my favorite, therefore photo-of-the-day because I just love the expressions, colors, & crop. Just so adorable. :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 85

Friday. Ah, I do love Fridays. :) My first two classes went well. I had to go to a meeting for my job right after they got done & then I helped out with Science Day on campus. That is when my school invites a local, underprivileged school's 5th grade to come and see the science majors do science experiments & such. My freshman class had been tutoring at this school so we helped out with the 5th graders walking them around campus & eating lunch with them. After that got finished I read in my room for about an hour which was nice & relaxing. My roommate had gone home for the weekend so her desk was empty. Being the end dorm room, we have a lot of sunlight coming in, which I love. This said sun was shining brightly on her desk. I had recently bought a pretty necklace made of an antique button & crystal so I put that on the desk & let the sunlight make my photos beautiful. I love the play of light & shadows in this picture :).

Day 84

March 25, 2010. While out on the photo shoot the day before, I came about bringing two flowers back to the dorm. I was planning on photographing them at some point & when I was able to they were kinda...well, dead. But that's ok! Haha. I still photographed them anyways & I think they turned out pretty cool. This one is my favorite because the color palette is cool & the flower looks pretty. :)

Day 83

March 24, 2010. Another beautiful day thankfully for day #2 of the photo shoot for my friend. This day I was sure to take the pictures to fit her specifications so I think she was happy with the result & so was I. After she selected her top 20 pictures & left my dorm to do other things, I was chatting with another friend & asked if she wanted me to go out & take pictures of her too! I was still in the photographing mood so I had fun going out again. :) I chose this picture as my photo-for-the day because 1, the colors are great, 2 my friend looks great, & 3 because she didn't think she could take a serious picture & here she goes looking beautiful doing just that.

Day 82

One of my friends on campus, who is close friends with my roommate & a member of women's choir with me, is auditioning to be a Disney princess. This summer she wants to dress up as a Disney character & walk around the FLA park shaking hands, signing autographs, & smiling constantly. :) She needed an up-to-date portrait & knew that I was interested in photography, so she asked me. The first day of shooting went well, it was a beautiful day but I didn't exactly take the best shots for portraits. So we decided to go out the next day. I chose this picture though as my photo-of-the-day though it couldn't work for her purposes because I love her smile & the "prop" of the swing set chain. :) Great colors, too.

Day 81

Monday March 22, 2010. Haha I guess I'll be updating my blogs on the weekend from now on...maybe not we'll see. :) I remember that Monday was cloudy & chilly. I remember wanting to find a good picture (well duh) & I knew that the cherry blossom trees were blooming so I wandered out to the freshman parking lot to find some good blossoms. I took some good pictures but to really show off the beautiful blooms I needed a blue sky. So I wandered to the back of the parking lot where I found an orchid blooming! Haha I told myself that I had found treasure ;). So I took a couple shots of it & knew that I would choose one of them to be my photo of the day. The picture isn't amazing but it turned out alright I think.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 80

Today March 21st, 2010, is the 80th day of my project. Hard to believe isn't it? Well today is a yucky day. Back to the rain I suppose. Oh how I have loved the brief interlude of sun & warmth. I made a walmart run early this afternoon & while in the checkout lane, I saw these new strawberried peanut butter m&m's. I love strawberries & peanut butter m&m's separately so I had to try them. I get back into my dorm, open the package, and pull the first one out of the bag. I smell it & it actually smells like strawberries! I bite in (well put the whole thing in my mouth haha) & I actually taste peanut butter & strawberries! I'm in awe of this fact haha. Now though the taste is interesting & unique I'm not sure if I could eat these all of the time. It's just so unique I can only have so much at a time haha. Well anyways...these m&m's are in 3 colors: red, brown, & yellow. Quite appropriate I think :). So I thought what can I do with these m&m's for my photo today? I end up putting them on my keyboard surrounding the letter M. I try different angles, end up in black & white, & come up with this result. I like it, I really do. Now I have 2 m&m pictures :).

Day 79

Yesterday, March 20, 2010 was a good day. It was warm & sunny...except when the wind started blowing. My boyfriend's family came down to our school to visit & to attend the Cherry Blossom Festival in Macon. I tagged along as they wandered a little bit of downtown then went to the hot air balloon show at a local college's campus. I had been very excited about the hot air balloons but when we got to the location I didn't see any balloons. It was warm though so it was nice to sit on the picnic blanket for a while. It was kind of breezy so getting chilly but as the sun began to set they started blowing up the balloons. I was able to walk right up close to the balloons so it was neat to see the flame used to hold them afloat. I was disappointed though because the balloons never went into the air & it was getting dark when they finally were blown up so it was hard to take pictures. I also wanted to see more but that's ok. I'll just have to travel to a huge show one day haha. My photo-for-the-day though is of the sunset over the campus' lake. I love this period but especially because of how the trees on the right of the photo form the almost "cingular bars" and lead your eye through the picture. :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 78

Friday March 19th, 2010. The most perfect day the year has shown us yet. I had been looking forward to this day for all week, weeks really haha, and it turned out to be all I wanted and more. Imagine this: the sun shining gloriously (something we haven't seen much of this year) the temperature around 70 degrees, a slight breeze, and awesome friends. How could it get any better? :) I wore a dress yesterday along with some other of my friends just to help enjoy the beautiful warmth of the day. I finished with classes and didn't really know what to photograph since I have taken pictures of campus so many times. I decided to head towards the bradford pear trees growing in the streets of campus. Though they make campus smell terrible they are beautiful to look at. I took a couple of pictures & have chosen one as my photo-of-the-day. Later my group of friends and I went to the park and played in the grass & with some visiting kids. I love those pictures, candids are always my favorite plus the lighting was perfect, but I didn't want to choose a picture of a person to put on here. I don't know why & maybe some day I will but today I didn't want to. I like this picture because it clearly shows the blossoms up close & personal & also works to bring the viewer's eye around the shot. Plus the bokeh in the background doesn't hurt. ;)

Day 77

Ah Thursday March 18th 2010. Again nothing huge comes to my mind about the happenings of this day. I remember it was nice outside but still kind of chilly and breezy. I only took 2 pictures today. 2! That is so rare for me, I've taken up to 200 pictures on my biggest photography day (ok so yeah that was Savannah but still haha). Every day that I go to choir I want to take a picture of the windows. Now there are some huge windows in the back of the room but what always catches my eye are the small ones on the top of the wall at the side of the room. I always love seeing the pure blue sky with the touch of cloud framed by a white window. Just love it. Since I can't exactly take a picture during practice & I normally have to run off to something else after practice, I decided to take a picture before class when just a couple of people were in the room. This is my favorite of the two but I think if I were to take this picture again I'd be sure to line everything up. For instance, the frame of the window doesn't line up with my crop. It isn't exactly bad but I think straight lines might be best. But who knows, these crooked lines might just add the flare the picture needs. :)

day 76

Wednesday March 17th 2010. Sadly I cannot remember much of what went on last Wednesday. What I do remember was that it was Saint Patrick's Day & that it was raining. I didn't want to take my camera out into the elements so I settled down in my dorm room at my desk like I have so many times before to figure out what to do for a photo-of-the-day. I decided to take a self portrait. I didn't want to do one of face but I decided to take one of my own hand. I looked up on my favorite photography website,, some examples of hand photography. I saw some neat shots but not many were actual self portraits. So I ended up holding my camera with my right hand (it's heavier than it looks) and holding my left hand as far away from the camera and my body as I possibly could. I had some trouble holding the camera still without 2 hands and making the lighting work. Sometimes if the camera moved suddenly I cropped out some of my fingers or added a piece of desk or wall I didn't want. So long story short, It was a long process but I enjoyed the challenge. I ended up drawing a heart on my hand & painting my fingernails to add interest to the photo. I like the end result because it represents me. I kinda cut some of the fingers off but this was my favorite & I thought it wasn't too distracting. :)

day 75

So...yes I am obviously very behind in posting blogs. This was the first week back after classes so things have been kind of hectic. Day 75 was Tuesday March 16th. It was a busy day but a sunny day outside. I was told last minute that I had to host an overnighter so my day automatically became busier. I wanted to take a picture of something that I hadn't already of course so I wandered off of my normal path. I ended up in front of the administration building & off to the side of it to take some pictures of some interesting looking plants. The picture I chose wasn't my favorite that I've taken but it's unique because it has a bumble bee in it! :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

day 74

today is the first day back at classes. luckily though my last class was cancelled (bc my professor is still in another state haha) so i was finished at 10. after breakfast with the boyfriend, & a two hour nap, i went off to a job interview (for quadworks on campus) which went well. then i wandered off to find some of the tulip trees i had seen blooming earlier. i love these trees & so i was excited to shoot them. unfortunately i am somewhat short and the blossoms were high in the tree so i could only really get underneath shots. this one is my favorite because of the sun coming through the tree...i think it gives a neat effect. :)

day 73

So yesterday was Sunday, March 14, 2010. It was a church day, then a walk around the forsythia festival again day, then head back to school day! The weather was slightly improving...still windy & cold but at least not raining. After church, my family & I got some yummy lunch at the festival. I bought a really pretty necklace & got to see a friend from high school I hadn't seen in a while. So I finished packing back at home, slept for an hour, said goodbye to my parents (=/) & was off to school again. It was nice to see everybody again but I wasn't looking forward to 8:00 spanish.

This picture is of my town's court house. I always love photographing it & today it looked really cool with the clouds as a background. I like this crop with the flags & the clouds. :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

day 72

Today, March 13, 2010, is the 72nd day of my project. I am thrilled that I have been able to keep up this project this long. I heard today a sad tale of a woman who tried to complete this project last year but ended up quitting somewhere in her 200's. I would hate to make it that far & not be able or have the desire to continue. So let's hope that I am able to keep this up. So far so good. Tomorrow is my last day of break so I tried to enjoy today (as I will tomorrow). I woke up early, watched my family run in a local and annual 5k road race (I took a lot of pictures of course), then we went to a local pancake breakfast held by the boys scouts (where on the way I stopped to photograph a tulip tree as seen in my photo for today), then we went home, then I wandered around our local festival for about an hour, then I went shopping with my grandmother, then I came home, then I drove with my mother as quick as I could safely to the entrance to my neighborhood to photograph the sunset (which I kind of missed =/), and now here I am typing the blog. Whew. It's been a good day but a long one. So today's picture is of a tulip tree's bloom. I love tulips so this is as close as I could get today haha. The sky is very downcast but I think it paints a neat picture against the white blossoms. I chose this one for the layout...the tree branches helped to crop the picture in such a way as to draw the eye into my focal point. Hopefully I can see more flowers in the future through my camera. :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 71

I'm early today but I don't know if I'll have another chance to take pictures. It's already raining some but it's suppose to rain all day & maybe even I took my picture early. There is a tree blooming in our front yard so I wandered out with my brother holding the umbrella to take the picture. I think it turned out ok...I wouldn't have minded framing it differently but maybe I'll get another chance. :) It's the last official day of spring break so I hope it goes well!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 70

Today, March 11, 2010, is the 70th day of my project. I still have just under 300 pictures to go! Today went well. I woke up early, ate breakfast with the family, drove my brother to school, then got ready to head in for a job interview. It wasn't your standard interview, but it still went well & I now have a job lined up for this summer. I picked up chick-fil-a to-go & I ate it at home with my dad. After I got settled down, I got really tired & fell asleep. I woke up to the sun shining! Since it has rained for the past couple days straight, it was a nice sight to see. I didn't really take many pictures today but this one I like, it's of the blinds in my living room at home with the sun shining through. I'm so ready for summer!! :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 69

Today has been a very relaxing day. I slept until 11:30 & lounged around watching movies all day. It was raining all day, even thundering & lightning a little bit. I can't complain because I had two beautiful days but I'm still ready, oh so ready, for the heat of a Georgia summer. As I was trying to think of what to do for my picture today, I really didn't have a great lead. I ended up playing around with my piano...then added a candle to the mix. I like this picture. I never felt like my lighting was 100% awesome but I still like the end result. :)

Day 68

Yesterday was a long day. It was a good day but it sure seemed long & wore me out. I woke up at 6:00 to shower so I could head to the hospital for visits with my Dad. The hospital he was to make visits at is very close to where my boyfriend lives, so we met up with him & his mom for lunch. The hospital visits went good & the lunch at The Cheesecake Factory was very delicious. The trip home, of course is over an hour, so I slept part of the way. When we got home, I went to check the mail with my dad & there were some daffodils growing by the mailbox. I photographed them & chose one as my photo-of-the-day. Then, I ended up taking another 2 hour nap haha. :) Love relaxing over spring break!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 67

Today started early. I woke up to take my brother to school then a couple hours later was off to Dauset Trails with a friend from high school. The day was perfect, weather warm, & everything beautiful! We walked around and looked at the animals then walked around on the trails for a little bit. After lunch, we drove back home & I picked my brother up from school. I really enjoyed walking around, I always do, but I can't wait for the flowers to bloom!

I chose this picture because of the bokeh I captured. I love bokeh & have tried a lot to get it so I was very excited to see that I had a picture with some in it. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

day 66

So, now to today. :) I woke up, showered, & went to church. It's always nice to be able to come to church at home. Once again, my dad got me to take pictures, so before Sunday school I was wandering the church getting people to smile for me. Good thing I love photography. :) So after eating lunch, I sacked out on the couch with my family. Ah how I love afternoon naps! My mom had mentioned that she would go with me to a bridge in town over the interstate so I could take long exposure pictures. So tonight was the night! We drove out, walked around, & I got some neat pictures. I have always loved these pictures so I was glad to be able to get my own chance. I enjoyed my trip & the pictures, so thanks a lot Mommy! :))

Day 65

So Saturday now. I went to bed at around midnight Friday night & slept until 11:30 Saturday afternoon. It was awesome! haha. I woke up, got dressed, & drove to my church. There was a work day & my dad wanted me to take pictures. Unfortunately I arrived sort of, shall we say late?, so I only had a chance to take a few pictures & eat the wonderful lunch provided. Haha...woops. But so that went well then we came home & were off to my college's basketball game. We were in the championship game for a was a great game but unfortunately we didn't win. =/

The picture though is of a wheel barrow used for the work day...I saw it snapped the picture & knew that it would be in the running for my picture of the day. :)

Day 64

Hello All! Long time no see, I know. I have been busy and unable to post. So, on day 64 it was Friday, right? Haha. So my day was completely full but the last thing I had to do before my weekend started was finish up my last 2 hours for fieldwork. It was bitter sweet to say goodbye to my 3 year olds. They're really sweet & were finally starting to call me Miss Hannah. :) But I'm ready to experience my next time at field work. So I finished up the project I had started for my teacher: making her bulletin board. She had gotten the kids to color spring pictures so I cut them out & stapled them up. So my picture for the day is the completed bulletin board. Yes I know it looks kinda sloppy but hey it's my first one & the best I could do in an hour. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 63

Yesterday was a very busy day. I had until noon today to finish a research paper for my literature class, I was able to finish & I think I did well, but I didn't have much time for anything else.

After choir I took this picture. I thought that the shadows looked pretty cool on the brick so I tried to photograph them. This picture came out ok but, like I said before, I didn't have much time to improve.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

day 62

"Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy. I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more." Isaiah 65:17-19

Today, March 3, 2010, has been a pretty good day. I had: spanish, no old testament (my teacher cancelled class) so piano practice instead, breakfast with friends, nap!, big southern lunch with my freshman class, piano lesson, & now paper writing time! On my way to piano, I saw these (or so I think they are) cherry blossom trees. I haven't seen any blooms yet so I was pretty excited to go back & take pictures of the trees. Sadly my memory card filled up but I think I got some good pictures. I had one I liked better than this but the focus wasn't quite right. I do love the purity of the pinks & blues in the picture...I love sunshine! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 61

"But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder the, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Luke 17:16-17

Today, March 2, 2010, is a rainy day. I heard it might snow but that was only for the lucky cities up in the north part of Georgia. I am so tired of this weather but I keep telling myself that I can't complain because we had some beautiful days this weekend. I was still doing lots today but it was at a more relaxed pace than the past few days have been so that's good. Now I'm one test down one paper to go for this week, before spring break! I didn't really know what to do for today's picture but when I was in the bathroom, I saw that the items on the window sill looked pretty cool from below. So I tried it out & liked the result! At least I didn't have to take my camera out in the rain to find a picture. :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60

"Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young - a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are every praising you." Psalm 84:3-4

Monday, March 1st, 2010. Hard to believe that it's already the 3rd month of this year & my project! Time sure does fly by. This week is as busy as last week was, but thankfully next week is spring break! As I was driving to field work, I drive past this beautiful old church. I always drive past it & always want to photograph it. I had a brief interlude today to take it's picture while in my car, yes yes yes I do know that you can see my window's reflection in the picture & I don't like it but it's all I have time for! So there. Haha. Like I said, my days are full so this is what I have time for. I still would love to go back and really photograph this picture but this will do for now. :)