Monday, March 15, 2010

day 73

So yesterday was Sunday, March 14, 2010. It was a church day, then a walk around the forsythia festival again day, then head back to school day! The weather was slightly improving...still windy & cold but at least not raining. After church, my family & I got some yummy lunch at the festival. I bought a really pretty necklace & got to see a friend from high school I hadn't seen in a while. So I finished packing back at home, slept for an hour, said goodbye to my parents (=/) & was off to school again. It was nice to see everybody again but I wasn't looking forward to 8:00 spanish.

This picture is of my town's court house. I always love photographing it & today it looked really cool with the clouds as a background. I like this crop with the flags & the clouds. :)

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