Saturday, March 20, 2010

day 76

Wednesday March 17th 2010. Sadly I cannot remember much of what went on last Wednesday. What I do remember was that it was Saint Patrick's Day & that it was raining. I didn't want to take my camera out into the elements so I settled down in my dorm room at my desk like I have so many times before to figure out what to do for a photo-of-the-day. I decided to take a self portrait. I didn't want to do one of face but I decided to take one of my own hand. I looked up on my favorite photography website,, some examples of hand photography. I saw some neat shots but not many were actual self portraits. So I ended up holding my camera with my right hand (it's heavier than it looks) and holding my left hand as far away from the camera and my body as I possibly could. I had some trouble holding the camera still without 2 hands and making the lighting work. Sometimes if the camera moved suddenly I cropped out some of my fingers or added a piece of desk or wall I didn't want. So long story short, It was a long process but I enjoyed the challenge. I ended up drawing a heart on my hand & painting my fingernails to add interest to the photo. I like the end result because it represents me. I kinda cut some of the fingers off but this was my favorite & I thought it wasn't too distracting. :)

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