Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 78

Friday March 19th, 2010. The most perfect day the year has shown us yet. I had been looking forward to this day for all week, weeks really haha, and it turned out to be all I wanted and more. Imagine this: the sun shining gloriously (something we haven't seen much of this year) the temperature around 70 degrees, a slight breeze, and awesome friends. How could it get any better? :) I wore a dress yesterday along with some other of my friends just to help enjoy the beautiful warmth of the day. I finished with classes and didn't really know what to photograph since I have taken pictures of campus so many times. I decided to head towards the bradford pear trees growing in the streets of campus. Though they make campus smell terrible they are beautiful to look at. I took a couple of pictures & have chosen one as my photo-of-the-day. Later my group of friends and I went to the park and played in the grass & with some visiting kids. I love those pictures, candids are always my favorite plus the lighting was perfect, but I didn't want to choose a picture of a person to put on here. I don't know why & maybe some day I will but today I didn't want to. I like this picture because it clearly shows the blossoms up close & personal & also works to bring the viewer's eye around the shot. Plus the bokeh in the background doesn't hurt. ;)

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