Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 70

Today, March 11, 2010, is the 70th day of my project. I still have just under 300 pictures to go! Today went well. I woke up early, ate breakfast with the family, drove my brother to school, then got ready to head in for a job interview. It wasn't your standard interview, but it still went well & I now have a job lined up for this summer. I picked up chick-fil-a to-go & I ate it at home with my dad. After I got settled down, I got really tired & fell asleep. I woke up to the sun shining! Since it has rained for the past couple days straight, it was a nice sight to see. I didn't really take many pictures today but this one I like, it's of the blinds in my living room at home with the sun shining through. I'm so ready for summer!! :)

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