Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 68

Yesterday was a long day. It was a good day but it sure seemed long & wore me out. I woke up at 6:00 to shower so I could head to the hospital for visits with my Dad. The hospital he was to make visits at is very close to where my boyfriend lives, so we met up with him & his mom for lunch. The hospital visits went good & the lunch at The Cheesecake Factory was very delicious. The trip home, of course is over an hour, so I slept part of the way. When we got home, I went to check the mail with my dad & there were some daffodils growing by the mailbox. I photographed them & chose one as my photo-of-the-day. Then, I ended up taking another 2 hour nap haha. :) Love relaxing over spring break!

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