Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 85

Friday. Ah, I do love Fridays. :) My first two classes went well. I had to go to a meeting for my job right after they got done & then I helped out with Science Day on campus. That is when my school invites a local, underprivileged school's 5th grade to come and see the science majors do science experiments & such. My freshman class had been tutoring at this school so we helped out with the 5th graders walking them around campus & eating lunch with them. After that got finished I read in my room for about an hour which was nice & relaxing. My roommate had gone home for the weekend so her desk was empty. Being the end dorm room, we have a lot of sunlight coming in, which I love. This said sun was shining brightly on her desk. I had recently bought a pretty necklace made of an antique button & crystal so I put that on the desk & let the sunlight make my photos beautiful. I love the play of light & shadows in this picture :).

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