Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 77

Ah Thursday March 18th 2010. Again nothing huge comes to my mind about the happenings of this day. I remember it was nice outside but still kind of chilly and breezy. I only took 2 pictures today. 2! That is so rare for me, I've taken up to 200 pictures on my biggest photography day (ok so yeah that was Savannah but still haha). Every day that I go to choir I want to take a picture of the windows. Now there are some huge windows in the back of the room but what always catches my eye are the small ones on the top of the wall at the side of the room. I always love seeing the pure blue sky with the touch of cloud framed by a white window. Just love it. Since I can't exactly take a picture during practice & I normally have to run off to something else after practice, I decided to take a picture before class when just a couple of people were in the room. This is my favorite of the two but I think if I were to take this picture again I'd be sure to line everything up. For instance, the frame of the window doesn't line up with my crop. It isn't exactly bad but I think straight lines might be best. But who knows, these crooked lines might just add the flare the picture needs. :)

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