Saturday, March 13, 2010

day 72

Today, March 13, 2010, is the 72nd day of my project. I am thrilled that I have been able to keep up this project this long. I heard today a sad tale of a woman who tried to complete this project last year but ended up quitting somewhere in her 200's. I would hate to make it that far & not be able or have the desire to continue. So let's hope that I am able to keep this up. So far so good. Tomorrow is my last day of break so I tried to enjoy today (as I will tomorrow). I woke up early, watched my family run in a local and annual 5k road race (I took a lot of pictures of course), then we went to a local pancake breakfast held by the boys scouts (where on the way I stopped to photograph a tulip tree as seen in my photo for today), then we went home, then I wandered around our local festival for about an hour, then I went shopping with my grandmother, then I came home, then I drove with my mother as quick as I could safely to the entrance to my neighborhood to photograph the sunset (which I kind of missed =/), and now here I am typing the blog. Whew. It's been a good day but a long one. So today's picture is of a tulip tree's bloom. I love tulips so this is as close as I could get today haha. The sky is very downcast but I think it paints a neat picture against the white blossoms. I chose this one for the layout...the tree branches helped to crop the picture in such a way as to draw the eye into my focal point. Hopefully I can see more flowers in the future through my camera. :)

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