Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 87

So today started off, ok by starting I mean when I first left my dorm at a little after 1, warm but cloudy & breezy so needless to say I wasn't too excited about the weather prospects. It eventually started raining, thankfully after I was safe & warm in my dorm. I didn't want to try to find a picture outside with the weather as it was so I looked around my room for inspiration. I didn't really want to fiddle around getting a macro shot, just wasn't in that exact mood, so I looked at the windows. The sun was just starting to set so I still had light but with the blinds open, I could see the rain settling on the screen of the window. Pretty cool effect I thought so I snapped a few shots & here is what I came up with! I actually do like it a lot now that I've chosen it, the colors are sort of gloomy but I don't take many of those so it's something different, the shapes with the clear foreground objects play neat against the blurry background. & having the lines not perfectly straight set a neat mood to the picture. So overall, yup I'm happy with the result. Now I am off to get ready for bed, seeing as I must start class at 8:00 tomorrow & I hear the rain starting to begin again. :)

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