Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 120

Almost May first! Hard to believe. It was a sad day of sorts. It was the first day that somebody moved out of the dorms to head home for summer break. But first I had classes: I luckily only had one official class at 9:00. Then I had a piano lesson at 10:30 before my jury at 4:00. All went well and as I was walking back to my dorm I tried to look for a picture. I had seen roses while walking to McCorkle Music building so I headed there. Oh my were they pretty. I took bunches of pictures. :) Once I got to my dorm, me along with my other friends had to help move out my friend Bekah. Her mom was there & so it was a nice day to see everybody. After we got her moved out, I went home for the evening to take family pictures for the new church directory. My brother is an extra in the play put on in town: FIddler on the Roof; so we went to see a performance after pictures. My boyfriend tagged along & I am very glad he came with me though I know he had to have been bored stiff. So thanks Alex, it meant a lot. :)

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