Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 141

Yesterday, Friday May 21st, was a good day. I didn't have work so I tried to sleep in, which didn't work because I woke up about 7 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I worked in my room some trying to finish getting all of my college dorm stuff put away. I made good progress but I still have a ways to go. For supper, my parents made a low country boil. Oh & it's so good. You cook shrimp, corn cobs, sausage, and little potatoes in a big pot together with boiling water & crab mix. Very yummy. My dad and brother picked up Avatar, Up in the Air, and Blind Side from Ingles to watch while we ate. We haven't watched blind side yet (& I have never seen it) but we did watch avatar and up in the air. I hadn't seen avatar before but I LOVED IT! One of my favorite movies now. I'd seen up in the air in theaters with college friends but I enjoyed it again. :) PS- the flowers in the picture are my mom's from work.

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