Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 137

Yesterday was a very interesting day. I had a dentist appointment and then I headed to work. This summer I am going to work at a children's camp in Taliaferro County - pronounced Toliver - called Touching Taliaferro with Love. So there was a meeting in Crawfordville, GA - aka the only city inside Taliaferro county. I went with my boss/coworker Aimee on this 2 hour drive from the office. Before we left though, a couple of other coworkers told us to watch out for this beautiful but falling apart church, one that we should pass on our path into the county. We didn't see it on the way but after an extremely long hour-and-a-half meeting, we headed back towards Macon and ran into this church. We drove past it but immediately turned around to take pictures. So we walked up to the church and decided to go into the open door. It's so run down that there are holes in the walls and we felt like walking on the floor would just about make everything cave in. There was a little sign saying though that there are sometimes services still held here, at Antioch Baptist Church. So after taking pictures inside we wandered back outside. We parked on the left side of the front of the church, so staying towards the front we wandered to the right side of the church where they had a little graveyard to see a different angle of the church. When we walked outside, we heard this buzzing noise that sounded like a bee hive. We ignored this noise until we heard a different noise (I think it was something different, I think Aimee might've thought it was the same noise but it changed). Something like a moan almost kept repeating itself over and over the longer we were around the right side of the church. We heard it and wondered aloud about it and the noise kept getting louder. I freaked out as little as possible and told Aimee that we needed to go...now. She went on to the car, quite fast, and after snapping a few more pictures, I did the same. As soon as we both had our doors closed, I locked the doors. Yes, I was very freaked out. I kept expecting some rabid animal to come and attack us or see some mass murder come to kill us. Aimee thought that the noise could have been caused by somebody gagged and hidden by the church and was calling for help. I was in no mood to get back out of the car, and neither was she, so we quickly drove away. We talked about it for a while on the trip home and Aimee, being the good soul that she is, called the police to report this. Who knows if they actually went or not but I sure hope they heard what we did. We were both scared and having watched too much CSI and other TV shows like that our imaginations were going quite crazy. I'm glad we got out of there as fast as we did because who knows what could have hopped out of the woods. Aimee said this morning that she didn't sleep much last night thinking about that freaky church. I don't blame her either.
This picture though is something I really like. I love black and white photography, I think there is such a deeper meaning behind pictures taken in black & white. This one looks cool because you can see the wear and tear on the church structure and can see the clouds in the sky. In black and white, the pictures remind me of our horrifying experience.

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