Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 147

Today was another good day. I got to work a little bit early so I had to sit in my car waiting on somebody to get there so they could let me into the office. I was just sitting listening to my ipod and all of a sudden this cat hopped down on the roof of my car! It made me just but I also hurried to pick up my camera so I could take pictures of it. I've seen this cat before and I think it is owned by somebody who lives close to the office. I suppose it just likes to hang around though! I spent all of the morning making phone calls to churches to ask them to send the CBF office their newsletters/bulletins. For everyone who answered, I started out with this loong montage saying "Hello I am from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia State Office. I was wondering if your church sends out weekly/monthly bulletins/newsletters to the church members." Breath. They would either respond with a "yes" or a "no" and if they said yes I would say "We would like to receive it." Then I had to figure out if they sent out their newsletters via mail or email. Then I had to give them our mailing address or our email. Then I said thank you very much and goodbye. So I did this, oh I don't know, maybe a hundred times. But anyways, the newsletters are very beneficial so this needs to be done. This project made time fly by and I stopped to eat lunch. After I didn't do much because I only had an hour or so left before time to leave. So I made sample collages to show to the coordinator an idea that Aimee and I had for calendars to send out to our churches. I came home and my brother and dad were walking around the newly cleaned pool Caleb got in and I was hot so I went and put my bathing suit, too, and got into the pool It's chilly but a lot warmer than normal because we cut down a tree that had been blocking the sun from the pool for years. I hope I got some sun because I am SO white haha. It was fun and now I'm relaxing with my family in our kitchen sitting room. Great Day. Tomorrow I am very excited because in the morning I will be driving for my first time to and through Atlanta. My boyfriend lives north of Atlanta and I am going to spend some time with him and then that night we're going to a Braves game with a group of about 10 friends from Mercer. I'm quite excited, it'll be a great weekend. :)

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