Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 121

Saturday May first. Oh how I love summer :). Campus has been so pretty with the trees & grass becoming green & the weather has been oh-so-lovely with the warmth. Dresses & shorts all day long! My kind of weather. Anyways. Saturday was full of sleep for me. I slept late then woke up didn't feel amazing & went back to sleep. Haha there went the day....anyways after I woke up the second time I went to photograph my best friend & her prom group from my high school. My college is very close to my high school so it worked out quite well. My friends were quite beautiful & I was happy to take their pictures. The picture I chose is a somewhat candid shot. My friend was smelling her flowers & the sun was right behind her so I told her to freeze so I could take a picture. I took it & she said that she had a hard time keeping a serious face. You can't tell it though because it is a beautiful picture of her! :)

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