Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 138

Hello my dear readers. :) Yesterday was my brother's soccer banquet. After a day at work, I didn't have much time for photography so I just took pictures at the banquet and hoped something would suffice. I played soccer from an early age until my junior year of high school. Why did I stop you might ask? Well, the soccer coach I played under 10th and 11th grade was not a good coach in my opinion. I was not an amazing soccer player but I tried my hardest. Our coach had favorites so only played those girls, even if they walked on the field and didn't try at all to play the game, so people like me were benched most of the season. I was extremely frustrated with this and it made soccer not fun for me so I didn't play as a senior. Anyways, this banquet made me happy I wasn't still involved in the program because nothing has changed about the coach. My brother has played many years, too, and he played JV this year and I think had a fun time. :)

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