Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 134

Fridays are going to be wonderful days of the week. Fridays I don't have work. Now, don't think that I am unhappy with work because I am enjoying it very much, but it is always nice to have a day off. I slept until around 9:00, worked a little on the directory, and was off to get a hair cut. It has been a long time since I've gotten a hair cut so it was nice to start fresh again. Though I only got about an inch cut off I'm happy I was able to get it done. After my hair appointment, I though well since I'm out in town, let me take some time to wander around! I parked my car at the church and walked around the square taking pictures and walking into stores if I was interested. My picture-of-the-day is of my town's theater, I live in a small town so since we don't have a movie theater this is a good place where we can produce and watch plays. :)

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