Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 131

TODAY! :) Tuesday May 11. So hard to believe that I've been out of school for a week! I didn't have work today but strangely I only slept until 9:00. Waking up then I set in my mind that I would clean my room today and finally put away all of my college stuff just piled in my room. So I ate breakfast & watched TV for a little while before beginning my task. I stopped after a couple of hours work and settled back down to the TV and my cross stitching project. I did make good progress in my room, though there is still work to be done. For mother's day, my father got my mother some of those hanging pots where the vegetables grow out of the bottom. I'm sorry I'm not a great explainer but I hope you all know what I'm talking about. Anyways, after my mom got home from work she went out to water her new tomato and cucumber plants. I went with her and entertained out dogs by scratching their bellies and throwing a chewed-up tennis ball. Sadly the ball landed in the pool but I saved the day when I kicked the water until it went to the other side so I could fish it out without falling in or using the aid of a net. ( I am sad that we have not been the best caretakers for our dogs but I know they enjoy the time we do spend with them.) We ate hamburgers, fries, and pears for supper and watched American Idol and Glee on TV. Now I am tired and needing to go to sleep so I can wake up for work in the morning. Goodnight world. :)

PS - say hello Jaws our border collie.

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