Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 130

Monday was a good day. It was my first day of work (which went well) and after I came home, it was nice to be able to relax and not worry about school work. My mother (along with all mothers) were given a single rose when they came to eat at Taki. I had wanted to photograph said rose so I took Monday evening as my opportunity. The sun was setting so I could not go outside and the kitchen lighting just wasn't what I wanted. So my mother had the idea of me using my dorm room desk lamp to help with lighting which worked wonderfully. I started out just putting the rose on the counter which looked good. Then my mom put a little doily underneath it which looked nice. My mom put the rose in a creamer dish which looked even better. My dad then came in, and seeing this process, suggested that I use some of our China pieces that have a rose on them. I got one of the china cups with a good view of the rose & placed the rose on it in multiple ways. My favorite one is posted here. I really enjoyed this photo shoot because it's fun to be able to get artistic with lighting, props, and colors...not something I have much time or opportunity for. I really do love this picture...I think it is one of my 365 favorites!

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