Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 139

Yesterday was an exciting day for my brother. At least since he turned 15, maybe before, he and my dad had been browsing online for cars. Cars cars cars. Well luckily for Caleb, they found the perfect car a week or so ago: a deep red Honda Civic Si Coupe. He has gotten more and more excited about this car and yesterday we picked it up from the owner. It's a six speed which my brother is still getting used to (he's been practicing on my Mom's Jetta). Getting home I was looking for a picture to take and I saw my keys on the counter so I thought I'd photograph them. It made me think of getting my car 3 Christmases ago. Behind my back, my mom and dad had been searching for my dream car: a bright green VW bug. Waking up on my 15th Christmas morning, I found the keys to my car. I was so excited! Now it's my brother's turn. :)

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