Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 123.

"A...B...C. Easy as 1...2...3." :)

Hehe I do love music. Anyways....finally caught up to today! So today I woke up, had breakfast with my boyfriend & studied during breakfast for my final (& he for his). I only had one final this semester & it was today! So, though I had a 3 hour slot, I only needed 1 hour for my Old Testament exam (do not think I rushed dear reader but let me tell you that is all the test took for it was the length of a normal test which only takes 1 hour.) So finished with that, I napped for an hour, took a few last pictures of my dorm in its normal messy state, printed my final freshman lit class essay, turned in my essay, had lunch, had supper a mere hour later with family, friend, & boyfriend, finished packing, moved all of my stuff out to our vehicles in the pouring rain (thanks guys!!), signed out with my RA, said my goodbyes, & finally drove home. Whew! So yup now I'm at home, chilling in my bed. My's HUGE! I am happy to be home though I'll miss everybody greatly. It has been a wonderful year. I have grown & changed a lot (hopefully for the better of course). I have made wonderful new friends who I hope to keep in contact with for many many years to come. I would be more sentimental but I must admit I am quite tired so nighty night world. :))

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