Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 143

Today has been a good day. I woke up, got ready, and went to church. My brother drove my mom and myself because he wanted to show off his new car to all of his friends at church. Sunday school went good, I'm in a college class and I really enjoy it and get a lot out of it. Today was a special day for the high school seniors because it was Senior Recognition Sunday. So everybody (minus one who had to get acknowledged last week) got dressed up in their caps and gowns, walked down to the front of the church, had their individualized college plans told to the church, and the rest of the church service continued in their honor. It's so hard to believe that I graduated just a year ago! The year flew by and I love college; I wouldn't have done much at all different. Another crazy thing is that if I were graduating the year I was suppose to, I would have graduated this year - as part of the class of 2010. But I did graduate class of 2009 and I'm happy to have done so. Getting home I really did not know what to do for my picture. I just now actually took one, 6:00 in the evening. We have a beautiful window in our front door. I decided to take pictures of this and see how they came out. I liked the colors so I decided to let one be my photo-of-the-day. Thinking about it now, these seniors (well everybody else too but still) are about to start on an unknown journey towards their future. This window is kind of representative of this because you can't see totally through it, like people not knowing their future. We have to trust and have faith in God to make our plans and paths for us because we can't see clearly into our futures! With God's help, we will be able to do wondrous things. :)

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