Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 273

Today! Thursday September 30. I had a basic normal day, too. Well I went to 2 more hours of field work but for the next 6 weeks that is going to be continued. In education today, one of my friends almost said "It's one day to Halloween!" She caught herself but that just shows how tired and busy we are and how much we need our weekends. Haha one more month Jessica, one more month. In choir we had an ice-cream social and played some icebreaker games. Half of the choir is freshman and for some reason the freshman class is super quiet. Our choir last year was always so loud and talkative when we were allowed to be but this choir is just quiet and really awkward sometimes. This was suppose to help. The icecream was yummy and we had tons of toppings to choose from and the games we played were fun. :) After, I headed over to Emily's apartment to show her the pictures and she was happy with what I came up with. I then went to work and finished what I had started on Wednesday. Getting back, I watched House and Bones episodes that I'd missed. Our next championship soccer intramural game was tonight at 7:30 so I headed over with Bonnie about 7:15. We played a really good team and ended up loosing 5-2. It was a fun game and a really enjoyable season. Can't wait until next year, Misfits! :) After a good SubWay for supper, I'm back in the dorm ready to shower and sleep and excited for a great weekend! :)

Day 272

Wednesday the 29th was my hardest day. After classes from 8-2 I rushed to work so I could squeeze in a little bit of time before heading back to campus. Then my QuadWorks boss and co-chair and I headed to downtown Macon. We wanted to ask the shop owners on Cherry Street if we could paint homecoming & "GO MERCER" stuff on their windows in order to get Mercer & the macon community more involved. Only 1 really said yes but many were closed so we'll go back another time. A short amount of time after we got back to campus from that, I went to our second Field Work Seminar for education. It was slow and boring but they always are. Once that got out, I zipped back to my room and then to the UC to meet Emily. Emily is a journalism major and she writes articles for our newspaper - The Cluster. Her article was over the cheerleading team and she wanted me to take pictures of their practice for her! I was glad to help out. 300 pictures later, I had fun and was glad to be able to take pictures, despite the annoying low light situations. I went straight from there to Willingham Auditorium for Dating Doctor. Another QuadWorks committee brought the real life Hitch to come speak to us. He came last year and everybody loved it so I wanted to go, too. He was hilarious & though I'm very happy in my relationship, he gave good tips. It was raining when the show ended so I was glad to be back in the dry dorm. When I arrived, I just chilled and looked over the pictures I took for a little bit. I was super tired and kind of overwhelmed. Alex called me and I went and talked to him for a little bit and he calmed me down. Oh how I love him. :)

Day 271

Tuesday the 28th was a little bit fuller. I began my actual field work hours that morning which meant waking up at 6:30 (am) to shower and arrive at my school at 8:15. I left at 10:15 and got back to campus in just enough time to change clothes, grab my books, and head to class. Psychology, Education, and Choir went just fine. I headed to work and once I left, I ran back to my room to grab my stuff for my next projects. There was a homecoming priority volleyball game that I had to go to but thankfully my co-workers took my place and allowed me to get to my championship intramural game on time. This was just the first game of the championships but it was still pretty exciting. Daryl was our goalie, since Jason couldn't play, & it was his first time EVER in the goal. We ended up tying 2-2 in the full game time and stayed tied after a 10 minute over time. The next step was shootouts - poor Daryl I'm sure was very nervous. We ended up scoring all of the shootout shots we took so we won the game! It was an awesome game. :)

Day 270

Monday was the beginning of a hectic week. I went to classes and work like normal and had an online journal due for education field work. Quadworks meeting went well and afterwards, more homecoming details fell into place in a mini meeting with my co-chair and boss. I'm excited about having such a large role with homecoming it's just a lot to do so very stressful.

I did find this super awesome website called that is thoroughly entertaining. Here is one example that always has me cracking up:

"Dear Noah,
I thought you said park! "MEET AT THE PARK?!?!"
Sincerely, Dinosaurs."

Enjoy! :)

Day 269

Sunday September 26. I enjoyed attending church with my family and friends at home. I felt really bad because after a yummy dinner, I had to basically run out of the house to head back to Mercer. I had two more priority homecoming ticket soccer games to attend. Oh well. The weekend went by way to fast but I enjoyed relaxing at home. The games went well and I enjoyed hanging out with Alex once he came back to campus from going home, too. We watched Sherlock Holmes with his suitemates and enjoyed a great movie. :)

Day 268

Saturday I woke up in my lovely bed at home at 10:00. We had gotten new windows on Friday so all of the blinds and everything were still off of the windows. It took some getting used to having nothing blocking your field of vision every time you looked out a window. I took a few pinhole images, they didn't turn out great - I was kind of disappointed. Caleb had a soccer game in Macon so that evening we all got into the truck to go watch his game. He won and it was nice to watch him play.

Day 267

FRIDAY! I am always so happy when Friday's finally come. My friday was particularly busy. After my classes, I headed over to Burghard Elementary School to meet my field work teacher for the first time. His name is Mr. Rome and he seems pretty cool. My school is extremely rural, south Macon, and kind of ghetto. I'm excited about my 5th grade classroom, though, and hope my 35 hours of observation go wonderfully. After the field work, I came home and packed up super quick. I had to go work another homecoming priority ticket soccer game and immediately after it finished, I hopped into my car and drove home. It was Homecoming 2010 for my high school: Mary Persons. I had to arrive late because of the soccer game but I made it about half way through the first half so I didn't miss much. We lost but I enjoyed the time talking to my parents and high school friends. :) There's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home.

Day 266

September 23, 2010 = Alex's birthday! :) Apart from a basically normal Thursday, I organized a birthday dinner for Alex & Cecilia (both turned 18 on consecutive days). A huge group of us went to Chili's and it was a great dinner and a lot of fun. :) Especially since nobody gets to just really socialize any more since we're all so busy.

Day 265

Wednesday September 22, 2010! Another normal day. I did enjoy Glee during my free 10:00 hour. And it was great! It was the season premier and I was excited that all of my shows were finally starting back again. :) Modern Family also premiered that night and I actually got to watch it on TV and of course it was just as funny as last season.

Day 264

Tuesday the 21st. I think it went about the same as Monday. I had my normal class & work schedules. I'm pretty sure we also had an intramural soccer game that night - can't remember if we won or not.

Day 263

Monday September 20th 2010. I think that it was a pretty normal day. I had history, breakfast, photography, scientific inquiry, work, supper, & quadworks meeting. Yeah...I think I'm doing too much lol. This is a picture of a window in the art building that I absolutely love. :)

Day 262

I sure have been in a bad habit of getting really far behind on my posts - sorry guys. September 19, 2010 was 10 days ago...10! I know I went to bed super late from watching the movie with Alex & his roommates. I slept in a little bit and once I woke up, I was still battling my cold. Alex and I made a trip to CVS to get some supplies & I bought some medicine. Something happened immediately afterwards but I can't remember exactly what it was. I do know that later that day, I had to go work a homecoming priority ticket game. I guess those were that day's highlights...because I can't remember anything else.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 261

Saturday I slept until 10:30. I woke up got ready and woke Alex up saying it was time to eat. We went to the caf and were joined by Daryl & Jason. Alex and I then went to CVS so I could buy some cold medicine for this annoying cold that just randomly decided to pop up. After we got back, I put on a dress and made myself up all pretty. I met up with Emily and her mom and we walked over to Willingham. We were to join the others of our class mates to be inducted into Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. I was happy to be invited to join (you had to have a 3.5 GPA either 1st or 2nd semester of your freshman year). Mom, Dad, Caleb, & Grandmom came to watch the ceremony so it was extra special. Such a large group of students got inducted...that's really good! The ceremony was short and sweet and we all received a Phi Eta Sigma pin and certificate. I am now Greek! ΦΗΣ :) After the ceremony & cake & tea I told my family goodbye and I went to change clothes so I could go watch Alex's club soccer game. I met Jason, Cecilia, & Daryl and we rode in Jason's car to the field. Alex's team won again & this time Alex was able to score on a PK! I was so proud. :) I was able to chat with an old friend from high school who's brother is on Alex's team...catching up is always nice. After the game, the 5 of us went to steak and shake. I only had $5 (which is plenty for a meal) so I was sad about not being able to get a milkshake but I drank some of Alex's so it was fine I didn't get to buy my own :). Afterwards, I went back to my dorm for a little bit while Alex played some video games. Around 11 a large group of us met up in Alex/Jason/Daryl's dorm's common area to watch Accepted. It is a funny movie I've seen once before but I do believe we were all acting pretty funny ourselves once the movie ended at 1:00 am. I left around 2:00 and slept like a baby.

Day 260

Friday! (September 17, 2010) I woke up went to history then met my normal breakfast group - Meghyn & Daryl - for breakfast. Afterwards, I came back to my room before photography and scientific inquiry. Photography went well and I was happy to be out shooting again. I had lunch with a few of the group and then I had another (not so) lovely scientific inquiry class. I mean it's an ok class but it's really pointless in the whole scheme of things and I am just not enjoying it. I headed off to work (which went well) and was happy to be finished with the school week. Mom, Dad, Caleb, and his girlfriend Ali came into Macon to eat at Red Lobster. They invited me (& I was happy to join) so we had a lovely & yummy supper together. (Alex was playing soccer so he unfortunately couldn't go.) I got back to campus and sat around the dorm until Alex and his roommates decided it was time to stop playing video games and it was time to go to eat. One of the lovely things about Mercer (& QuadWorks of course) is that 2 times a semester we take over the local movie theater and are only charged $2 for all of the current releases. This event is known as the Midnight Movie and we all love it. Alex, Daryl, Jason, Korin, Cecilia, and I went to El Som(brero) for supper. I love eating el som so it was sad that I had already eaten but Red Lobster is better any day so I'm not complaining really. We made it to the theater about 10:30 when the ticket booth opened up. We had to wait through a really long line (well because it's so popular of an event!) but we got tickets to the movies we were interested in. Alex & I joined Bonnie, Emily, Patrick, Brittany, & Cara Beth in Easy A while Jason, Daryl, Cecilia, & Korin saw The Town. I really enjoyed Easy A...really funny and with a good message! :) We made it back to campus about 2 and I was oh so ready for sleep.

Day 259

Thursday I woke up early, hopped in the shower, got dressed, grabbed my psychology and headed to the QuadWorks office. I had a chapter to read for class and office hours to fulfill. I finished my chapter and ended up spending most of my required time in the office. I went over on my hours a week or so before so hopefully they even out. If not, that is no worry because it is easy to make up time. I went to my classes and then back to work. After work we had another intramural soccer game and this time I was able to play the whole time. Unfortunately I was required to play the full time...well that isn't a bad thing but the circumstances made it a bad thing. For co-rec intramural soccer teams, 4 girls & 4 guys are required to play a full-teamed match. If you are running short on girls then too bad, you'll have to play down how ever many you're missing because guys can't fill girl's spots. So, since I was one of two girls who showed up, my team was forced to play 2 players down. This is the first time this has happened and we all have learned to appreciate having all of our team show up because we were slaughtered 9-1. I do believe that if all of our team had been present, we probably would have had a good chance of winning but oh well. We'll just have to beat them next time. :)

Day 258

While Monday & Tuesday were not very exciting, Wednesday was very full. I went to class as usual but the different thing on the 15th was that in my pinhole photography class, we had our first critique. This is where we choose one of our prints we have made that we have also edited on PhotoShop to show to the whole class and our professor tells us how to make it better or fix it if necessary. This process took about an hour and a half but thankfully we had done better editing jobs than his 8:00 class so we didn't have to hear the PhotoShop lecture again. I ate lunch with Alex and then I had scientific inquiry again. I decided to not go to work on Wednesday because my evening was so full. That left me room to take about an hour nap...oh and it was so heavenly. I woke up and went to the library to meet some education friends so we could discuss our group project coming up. After that, we headed to the education building to have our field work orientation for the semester. We got released from that earlier than expected so I went and changed and got to play in a little bit of the second half of my intramural team's soccer game. I didn't effect anything because we were already winning by a great deal because of the goals scored in the first half - when I was stuck in a classroom. I slept quite well after a full Wednesday.

Day 257

Tuesday was another basically activity-less day. I had class (skipped my office hour with the idea to make it up) and then work. I ate supper with my normal group and there we discussed all of the homework we had to do. We decided to all go to the library together so Alex, Meghyn, Bonnie, Daryl, and I went into a study room in the library. I ready psychology while Meghyn worked on Biology and the other three worked on I think calculus 2 webwork. We all eventually left the library and went our separate ways. I went back to my room and continued reading and talking to Ashley. Alex had to ask Bonnie a question about the webwork so when he was finished, he came upstairs and surprised me to tell me goodnight. :)

Day 256

Monday came way too fast. I had classes that went normally and then work which followed suit. Monday nights is always QuadWorks board meeting night so after supper, we had our meeting. That went well but I'm starting to get more & more overwhelmed about how much work homecoming is going to take. After the meeting, I went over to Alex's room and we watched Johnny English. After the movie, I came back to my dorm took this (not so great) picture and went to bed.

Day 255

Sunday morning I woke up, got ready, and drove with Meghyn over to Jittery Joe's. CSF was going to Vineville Baptist as a group so we were meeting Aimee to carpool. James (another member) rode his bike to the church while the three of us girls rode in Aimee's car. The service went well and everybody seemed happy to have us there. After getting dropped back off at Jittery Joe's, I went and changed clothes so I could get ready to go with Alex to his club soccer game. It was in Columbus so we had to leave with plenty of time to get to the game on time. We stopped at McDonald's on the way and while driving, Alex realized that the game started an hour earlier than he had originally thought. Woops. So long story short, we arrived at the field like literally 5 minutes before the match started. The game went well and the Macon United team won again! Alex almost scored but unfortunately it hit the top post and he was very disappointed. He fell down out of disgust and I thought he was falling down because he was hurt...I was just glad to see he wasn't seriously injured! We headed back towards Macon and met some of our friends at Ron & Cheng's. After a yummy meal, it was time to hit the books.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 254

Saturday was a VERY full day. I was able to sleep in a little bit..until about 10. I know that isn't much at all but it's better than during the week at least. I showered and got dressed in my Admissions polo, khaki shorts, sperry's, and my "Happy Mercer" spirit. That meant it was time for a Saturday Preview Day! Thankfully I only had to work the 2nd shift. We were fed barbeque for lunch (& it was really good) and I sat with a potential holistic child education major. That made me very excited because it is a rare occurrence to talk to someone interested in my major. Afterwards, I went to the music building for a session on "Musical Careers in the 20th Century". Though I couldn't really say much towards this I at least am involved in the music school. It was a small session (though it normally is) and went well. I went to a session for transfer students next and no one showed up. That's ok though because only 1 transfer student came to the preview day! I got done with the session, signed out, grabbed some free breakfast chick-fil-a biscuits and headed back to my dorm. After sharing with Ashley, I changed clothes and went to Alex's soccer game. He won (!) happily but time had gone by fast than expected and I was late to my next event! It was time for the first of the year's Girl's Nights! Time to get away from the guys and eat yummy fruit dipped in chocolate. Oh my that was very dangerous...especially once the pretzels were pulled out! :) We watched House Bunnies and had a wonderful time. :) I love Girl's Nights!!

Day 253

Friday was a good day. Alex and I had been planning to go out on a date so I was basically excited and ready for it all week. :) After classes and work and other activities that I can't remember exactly what they were, I put on a pretty dress and Alex put on a nice shirt & khakis and we went out to Olive Garden for a lovely date. It was a great date, we were in the need of having once because it had been a while since our last, but it went by too fast. At least that means that we enjoyed ourselves & each other's company. :) We went back to his dorm and watched a movie. Afterwards, I was very tired after a full week and was happy to fall into my lovely bed and sleeep. :)

Day 252

Thursday September 9 is another foggy day in my memory. After classes & work, The Misfits played our 2nd intramural game. Thankfully this time we all showed up on time so there was no forced disqualification! We all played well & though we were still learning how to play together, we won! Very exciting. I'm playing defense and having a blast. Alex was off to his club soccer practice afterwards and I ate supper with the rest of the team. CSF met and after I showered, I headed to Jittery Joe's. Alex came for the second half and though he wasn't very comfortable I'm glad he was willing to come with me. :)

Day 251

Wednesday September 8 - boy am I ever behind. I honestly don't remember all too much from the second Wednesday of the month. I know that I had class (as normal as I can think of) and work and afterwards I was invited over to Rebekah & Emily's apartment for supper. Emily needed to ask me a photography question & Bekah needed someone else to eat her cooking haha (and of course my company). Bekah is acting as a wonderful chef in her apartment and I am now testament to how tasty her food is! While supper was being cooked, I went and talked to Emily. Emily wants to major in something to do with journalism and for one of her class assignments she is going to write articles to put in our school's newspaper. And along with those articles of course comes a picture or two so she wanted to ask my advice. She was to travel to the Hay House downtown and then later to Jittery Joe's (our local coffee shop). I gave her some thoughts I had on what was best to shoot so she felt more comfortable about the task ahead of her. Then we sat down with one of their suitemates to eat Rebekah's masterpiece. She cooked chicken, potatoes, lima beans, & cut up fruit! My goodness it was so yummy. It made me wish I had a kitchen and some mad cooking skills! :) (Emily's orchid is the subject of this picture & she was oh-so-excited to see I took a picture of it & made it famous.)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 250

Day 250! Only 115 days left of this project. :) I woke up a little later than normal because I had showered last night, which was nice. I got dressed and ready and went to the QuadWorks office for my office hour. I ate a hearty breakfast of lunchable's pizza, fruit smoothie/drink, & strawberries. I reviewed my psychology and did some research for my education class. After my hour ended, I headed back to my dorm to gather my things for class. I had a test in psychology today. I felt good about it and was able to answer everything except for one. I went and saw Alex briefly before my education class because I had a few extra minutes. Education went fine and I was off to choir. That went well too...I think we were a little off because our conductor wasn't too pleased. Hopefully that was just because of the long weekend. We're singing a Czech song and we looked at the words the first time today. A girl who knows Czech came in and tried to slowly pronounce everything for us so we could learn how to sing the words. Boy that is a tough language. Especially with all of those symbols over the vowels. Oh well...we'll figure it out eventually. :) Japanese was even easier last year though...whew. Haha I'm enjoying choir - don't get me wrong. After choir I quickly went to my car and drove to Academy. I discovered yesterday that my intramural soccer team had a game today at 5:30. Guess who didn't have any equipment? ME! Dad came into Macon so he brought me socks & shin guards (thanks for that!) and I had to buy some new cleats. I found some and then went to the office to get in some time. I worked as long as I could and then headed back to school for the game. Unfortunately I was late, along with about half of the team, so we were disqualified and had to forfeit the game. Major bummer. We decided to scrimmage anyways and our team (The Misfits) ended up winning. Oh least we got some experience. I wish we could've won and had it count though. There is always next time for that! We went to dinner in the caf next. I got some shrimp scampi thing and it wasn't half bad. Now I'm back in the room about to start on homework...thankfully I don't have much. :)

Day 249

Yesterday = Monday = August 6, 2010 = Labor Day.
So my day started super early yesterday. In Macon, the Labor Day Road Race is a big thing. My mom, dad, and brother were running (as usual) and I wanted to attend and watch with my grandmother (as usual). This time I somehow managed to convince my lovely boyfriend to come with me. :) So I woke up at 7:00 (am) and met Alex by my car around 7:40. We were off to Central City Park - the finishing line for the 5K road race. Grandmom met us and we sat and waited for the runners to come in. The winner of the race finished in a little bit more than 15 minutes. That is craziness - 3 miles at basically 5:00 each. Wow. Caleb's goal was to break 19 minutes so we knew when to expect him. He finished in 16th place overall with a time of 18:27. :) Dad came in a couple of hundred people later at about 23 minutes and Mom finished a couple of minutes later. I think they were at least satisfied with their results, which is good. After they cooled off and checked their finishing places, we left for Crackle Barrel for breakfast. I got sausage and pancakes and boy did they taste good. :) Alex and I said goodbye and we came back to campus. We parted ways and I went and took a long and lovely nap. The rest of the day was basically spent in the dorm piddling and working on homework. Ashley got back to campus and I helped her bring in things from her car. That night for supper, the caf & UC had closed early so Alex, Jason, Daryl, and I headed to Taco Bell. After we got back to campus, I showered and read a little bit more of psychology and was in bed by 11:00. A pretty good Labor Day I must say. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 248

Today: Sunday September 5, 2010. I can't believe that this month is already to day 5...whew. Anyways I slept until 10:00 and piddled around doing I'm not even sure what. I got dressed and ready and about 12:30, Mom called saying they were leaving Forsyth and heading for Macon. That was my cue to also start driving but to head in the opposite direction to meet them in the middle. We met my grandmother at Carrabba's for a lunch of pasta. I got something similar to a seafood manicotti and it was very yummy. It was a good lunch and I was glad to see my family again. I got back to campus and was very happy to be able to park in the lot infront of my dorm...this is all thanks to the people who went home for the long weekend. I came back to my dorm and decided that I wanted to walk around campus and take some pictures. It is beginning to feel like fall and since it was such a beautiful day, I really enjoyed my walk...especially since campus was basically empty. I got back to the room and decided it was time for laundry! There were a couple of washers open so I just crossed my fingers that a drier would be open when I needed one. I loaded my pictures while my clothes washed and started updating the blog. I went down to transfer my clothes, and thankfully (oh so thankfully) there was just one drier open. That's all that I need so I was very happy with that! Now I'm waiting on my clothes to dry and I'm still updating the blog haha. Once I get my clothes I'll fold them and then work on some homework. I need to shower too because tomorrow morning I am not going to be able to sleep in until 10:00 or 11:00. Tomorrow morning, my parents and brother are running in the Labor Day Road Race from Vineville Baptist Church to Central City Park. My brother hopes to make PR (personal record) by breaking 19:00 minutes on the 5K (3.1 miles). He is very close to this goal...since he ran 19:18 on his last meet. My grandmother and I always go and cheer them on so, since I can't break the tradition, I am going to go again. That means waking up at 7:00 (am of course) and heading towards Central City Park for the race to start at 7:45. This time, Alex is going to go with me! I'm very excited about going and watching them run and then enjoying a delicious breakfast as a family....still most likely before the majority of the population wakes up. :)

Day 247

Saturday was a good day though quite lonely. Most of my friends had gone home for the weekend and those who hadn't were going to be involved with Fraternity Bid Day parties and activities. Since I wasn't interested in partying, I stuck to myself and made my own plans. I slept until 11 when my Dad called asking me out to lunch with the family Sunday afternoon. After showering, I headed to the Target shopping center to do some shopping. I went to Marshall's first but didn't find anything that fit great. I browsed a couple of shoe stores and found some stuff I liked but didn't end up buying anything. I then went to Ross and found this really cute black & white polka dot strapless dress that I bought (for only $15). I wanted to go to the Shoppes at River Crossing next which is kind of annoying because it's a pain to get there from the I475 side of Macon but whatever, I got there when I got there. I went into Charming Charlie to try and find a necklace to match my dress. I showed a picture to one of the ladies working there and she helped me find this adorable necklace/earring set that matches perfectly. I also bought a cute hot pink tank top which I was oh-so-pleased to find out cost me only $5. :) I headed to American Eagle next and bought myself a pair of jeans even though I didn't need a new pair, I wanted to get myself one. I went to DSW next to try to find some shoes but nothing worked out there either. I was pleased with my shopping success: dress, jeans, tank top, & jewelry. :) Getting back to campus, I managed to find some food and then turned on Dear John. After that went off, I got ready for bed and watched The Parent Trap then part of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original and better of the two movies in my opinion). I went to bed around 11 tired but kind of lonely.

Day 246

Friday August 3, 2010. Waking up at 7:30 was not fun to say the least but since it was Friday, I was ok with it. :) History went fine but breakfast afterwards was much better. Since we got out of history a little bit early, I figured I'd go to the bookstore to pick up my final book which had been delivered to the bookstore. I got to the entrance about 8:45 but they didn't open until 9:00...which I didn't know until I got there. They saw me knocking at the door but wouldn't let me in. The woman said she'd go get my order for me but for some reason didn't. The manager (I think) saw me standing there, along with 2 other people, and decided to open the door like 5 minutes early. Thanks a lot dude. Anyways, one of the girls working told me to go back to the corner to pickup my book. I went and she didn't show up. The original lady saw me and looked at me like I was doing something wrong. Anyways, she got me my book and I was finally off to the caf. Meghyn was there before me so we both got food and sat down to eat. Daryl had seen us eating before but didn't eat with us...Friday he did sit down and eat with us. We had a lovely conversation and I'm glad I have Meghyn and Daryl to eat with MWF. :) I went back to my dorm and chilled before Photography. I grabbed my paper & camera and left the dorm with Ashley. I got to the class a little early so I sat and waited for everyone else to arrive and for class to start. The rest of the cameras were dispersed and we were off to begin shooting for the day! I went and my first shot was of the Math Building. I went in and developed my negative and showed it to Dr. Blackburn. He told me that my paper was fogged...which either means that the camera leaked light or my paper got pre-exposed to light. He gave me some of his photopaper and when I developed it, it came back without any fogging. That probably means that my paper got pre-exposed. Anyways, I took another exposure with my own paper and it came back fogged again. I'll have to ask him Tuesday what I should do about it...most likely buy more paper. I was off to education then and nothing special happened there. I went to Alex's after class briefly because he was going home for the weekend and I needed to tell him goodbye before he left. After that I went to work and helped put together mail outs for 2 hours. Getting back to campus, I went over to Rebekah and Emily's apartment and relaxed with them (and Blake) until Rebekah's mom and sister arrived. A little bit after they arrived, Emily and I tagged along with the Goforth's to go eat and to the movies. We ate at Cheddar's (yummy) and then walked around Kohl's and ate Marble Slab icecream (I got cookie dough with chunks of cookie dough) until our movie started. We watched Going the Distance and we all enjoyed it. Getting back to campus, Rebekah told her mom and sister goodbye for the night and I went back into their apartment for a little bit. We tried to watch Date Night but we were all falling asleep so I bid the girls adieu and headed back to my own dorm. Ashley was home so it was very quiet in the room. I slept well though....glad to be enjoying the weekend. :)

This is the image I took on my professor's paper but it was also my favorite of the 3 shots I made. :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 245

Today has been another full but good day. I woke up at 7:00 (because I went to bed so early last night I made a deal that I'd wake up and do homework). I showered and got ready and read part of my chapter for psychology. I went in for my QuadWork office hour & continued reading Psych. I'm really enjoying it so far...learning lots, too. Psychology was fine and then I went straight to Education then I went straight to choir. I'm really excited about choir...the songs are great, the conductor is awesome, and we have great potential! Afterwards, I gathered my things from my room and went to work. After 2 hours, I headed back to school and grabbed subway. I ate it in the dorm and here I sit with Ashley while we watch Bones on TV. CSF is in 30 minutes and I'm excited for another good meeting! :)

I love life! =]

Day 244

Wednesday September 1st, 2010. Hard to believe that September is already here! I remember New Year's like it was last week. Anyways - another hard to believe thing about September the 1st is that that is Alex & my 11 month anniversary! :) I woke up about 7:20 and got ready and headed to History. Discussion was pretty normal and I felt like he finally covered information out of the book. I went to breakfast with Meghyn and then drove to Coke's to buy photo paper for my pinhole photography class. I got back to campus and went by the bookstore to get some more supplies for class. Photography started at 11:00 and I was pretty excited. Our professor made everybody a pinhole camera to use before we make our own...and to make sure that we actually had a camera that works haha. We were given our cameras and they're so cute! Just little wooden boxes 3.5''x5.5''x4.75''. :) (Yes I am the lame one who just measured it) We went into the dark room, cut our paper, loaded the cameras, went outside and lined up on a brick wall. On his cue, we removed the "shutter" (a strip of electrical tape) and then closed it after about 15 seconds. My first image! Yay! :) After, we went back inside we went into the darkroom again and our professor took us through the chemical process to develop the pictures. Though it didn't come out as much, I am proud of my beautiful artwork. =D I dropped my camera off in my room, and went with Lorin to lunch. After, I went to scientific inquiry and we did a sort of experiment thing...yeah that class isn't going to be my favorite. I went to work for an hour and a half before heading back to campus for a Bear Brigade meeting about homecoming/Mercer Madness. Afterwards I was say the least. I ate supper with the group and then decided to crash early. By 10:30 I was in bed and I was asleep...oh it was amazing. :)
PS - I know it's inverted...that's how they all come out...I don't have the technology on my computer to switch the black & you have to put up with this how it is. :)